AI Powered Participation
on Information for Everyone CCC – Crisis Contact Centers – supports refugees and people in crisis regions with accessible and objective information. With guidance and orientation we connect people in need with the right NGOs and public institutions. In parallel we support NGOs and public institutions with structured information and offload their contact centers. CCC – Crisis Contact Center for Ukraine CCC helps Ukrainian refugees with a first level telephone hotline, that shares information, advises them and directs them to the right private or public institution.
In addition, CCC relieves NGOS and governments of their contact center volume by covering first-level requests, and for certain use cases, second-level requests. All this with a high scalability and 24/7 availability – powered by our professional live-agents and volunteers in combination with our artificial intelligence based phonebots.
We are looking for leading NGOs
that want to offload their contact center teams and want to connect to refugees through our international toll-free 0800 hotline.
For we simply ask NGOs to promote the project through their communication channels and support us with their up to date information that our service hotline can use to support refugees.
Main problems
According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, everyone has the right to seek and receive information regardless of frontiers. In the 21st century, an Internet connection is often a prerequisite for access to information. This contrasts with the fact that around 40% of the world’s population has no access to reliable Internet services. Even when the technical prerequisites are in place, dyslexics, the blind and visually impaired, and the illiterate are denied access to this written information.
of the world’s population
does not have access to reliable Internet services
of the world’s population
of the world’s population
of the world’s population
We need a solution –
Voice assistants based on artificial intelligence are best suited to provide low-threshold access to information through incoming and outgoing telephone calls – even in crisis areas.
Such voice assistants can be trained by various actors with objective, trustworthy, and up-to-date information.
In addition, such voice robots can also be used for geographically localized outbound calls in crisis scenarios to proactively warn people, provide help and answer questions in the shortest possible time.
In collaboration with public institutions and NGOs, the platform is made available to people who need information or general support in crisis situations.
The UNESCO AI Group listed as one of the GLOBAL TOP 100 AI solutions for achieving the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals with status „Extremely Promising“.

Our supporters

Dear NGOs and public institutions,
recently was included by the UNESCO in the Global Top 100 AI Solutions to achieve the SDG17.
Now we publish our first project: Crisis Contact Center for Ukraine ( CCC). CCC helps Ukrainian refugees with a first level telephone hotline, that shares information, advises them and directs them to the right private or public institution. In addition, we offload NGOS and public institutions of their contact center volume by covering first-level requests, and for certain use cases, second-level requests. All this with a high scalability and 24/7 availability – powered by our professional live-agents and volunteers in combination with our artificial intelligence based phonebots.
We provide these services for free to NGOs and at lowest cost to public institutions due to our collaboration and exchange with private and public institutions like Bertelsmann Foundation, Volkswagen AG, Deutsche Telekom, Salesforce, UNSECO, WEF and other partners and sponsors.
Now we are looking for leading NGOs that want to offload their contact center teams and want to connect to refugees through our international toll-free 0800 hotline. Therefore we simply ask you to promote the project through your communication channels and support us with your up-to-date information that our service hotline can use to support refugees.
Get in contact
Only for business or volunteer requests. Please visit for information requests.
Только для деловых или волонтерских запросов. Для информационных запросов посетите сайт